No more Numbers

I’m tired of numbering rejections, so I’m not going to anymore.

I received a 15 day rejection from Heliotrope Magazine for my story “State of the Union.” I immediately sent it back out to GUD. They have very quick turn around for rejections (not so quick if you’re accepted).


3 thoughts on “No more Numbers”

  1. I think I’d find counting my rejections depressing. Though, I do keep note in a spreadsheet.

  2. I agree with Mr Solah. I try not to even think in terms of numbers. It would be much too depressing. I just condentrate on the new stuff and work through the old stuff when I have time.

  3. Anthony J. Rapino

    Yeah, as much as i try not to let rejections get to me, numbering them sure wasn’t a good idea…

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