Halloween Movie Marathon

As October approaches every year, I begin to stack DVDs  add movies to my Netflix Queue, and fill in days on the calendar to be sure I get to watch every horror movie possible.  It’s a yearly tradition, and even though I realize it makes me possibly even weirder than previously imagined, I do it anyway.

What follows is simply a list of my favorite movies to watch in October.  They aren’t in any kind of order, nor do I suggest you should watch all of these movies; they are simply my favorites.  However, if you are searching for a comprehensive list of movies, look no further than best-horror-movies.com, where John Strand has created a horror movie marathon calendar,  complete with his reasoning for each choice.

Also, if you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll note this is not the first time I’ve posted about what to watch in October.  You can read that old post for more ideas (including all my favorite Halloween cartoons and specials, plus old favorites).  This year, I’ll also add these to my marathon:

Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernin

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

The Cabin in the Woods

Night of the Demons

Murder Party

Ed Wood

Event Horizon

The Thing


Before you go, be sure to read my latest interview (as part of the blog tour), over at Jess Resides Here.  Here’s a taste:

JF:  Can you tell me a little about yourself please –
AJR: I’m a Capricorn, enjoy long walks on the– wait, what is this for again?
JF: An interview for your blog tour…
AJR: Right, right. Sorry. I’m a horror writer from Pennsylvania. I have a beard, and I sometimes hum to myself while eating something particularly tasty. If the food I’m eating is incredibly delicious, I may even dance a little. I’ve been told I snore while exercising, so I don’t exercise anymore. My favorite color is pie.

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