Horror on Main Convention – This Weekend

Hey, gang. I’ll be at the Horror on Main convention this weekend, Friday June 28th until Sunday June 30th. I’m sharing a table with the incomparable Amanda Headlee and will have books, sculptures, and more for sale. Online ticket sales (with a discount) ends today! https://horroronmain.com/tickets/ My live reading will be on Saturday at 3pm,

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Scares That Care Presents Authorcon II

I apologize for the late post this month, but I just got back from the intense, overwhelming, satisfying, and exciting experience of vending my first major convention, which took place in Virginia this past weekend. This was the longest trip I’ve taken in a long time, and I’d been fairly nervous leading up to it.

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The Road to Authorcon

After months of planning, packing, and panicking, Authorcon II in Williamsburg, Virginia is nearly upon us (March 31st – April 2nd). My journey begins tomorrow after work, when I drive to the Keisling’s haunted mansion to spend the night before we carpool to Virginia. Todd plans to strap me to the hood Mad Max style,

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Happy New Year!

I’ll be up front about something: The transition from one year to the next is always hard for me, as it is for so many others. I have this tradition of going back to a list of goals I wrote last New Year’s Day in my journal, checking off the things I actually accomplished from

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October is Here

I’m writing this newsletter during the last week of September with an eye toward that great, looming god of autumn: October. We’re almost there, and in fact, by time you read this, it will be October! How wonderful is that? Take a minute. Step outside with a cup of coffee. Breathe in the sweet smell of leaves

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candy corn apocalypse halloween horror hat

Hints of Autumn

This is the last weekend of my summer. On Monday, I go back to work for the fall semester, teaching first year English to incoming freshman. Just like that, autumn has arrived for me. That’s the weird thing about teaching. Even as an adult, I still get to experience all those familiar “back to school”

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Blog Tour and Giveaway

I’m excited to announce the official blog tour for Tommy and the Order of Cosmic Champions is currently underway! We have tons of fun stuff planned including articles, interviews, reviews, and of course a HUGE giveaway that will supply 15 winners with a free hardcover copy of the book, and five more winners with tons

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Katydids and Crickets and Cicadas, Oh My.

August’s Chorus Welcomes You Once the chirpy bugs begin their annual chorus, I know summer’s time is limited. To me, it’s a song of the approaching school year, harvest, and autumn. To them, well, they’re just trying to get laid. Since I’m a teacher, even as an adult I feel those same strange melancholy shivers

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Tommy and the Order of Cosmic Champions Hardcover preview image

Free Preorder Bonuses and More!

Hey, gang! This post is going to be a doozy, with free preorder bonuses, pictures of the Tommy and the Order of Cosmic Champions hardcover, my top three movies for the Fourth of July, and more! Hardcover Preview Let’s start with some of the most exciting news I have, which is that preview copies of the hardcover arrived at my

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Become a Patreon Member Today!

After an intense internal debate, I have finally launched a Patreon Page! With my new novel coming out on October 18th, a new writing gig at the 80sXchange, and extra time for writing after losing my summer classes this year (yeah, that happened), now felt like the perfect time to launch. You know those commercials

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