And they just keep on coming…

The rejections that is.

I received another one today for a short literary story I wrote last winter. Oddly enough, that particular story didn’t have any horror elements. It was straight literary. Did that have anything to do with the rejection? Probably not. I set my sights high for this story and sent it to a very prestigious magazine that is fairly difficult to get published in. I won’t mention the name of the publication, though I will mention that they pay $500 for a short story.


Would have been nice.

Oh well. On the the next one.

In other news, I have finished the first draft of “The Coffee Can,” and have started another story entitled, “Drugged.” I am hoping to put final touches on both and send both out by mid-October.
I still have three submissions awaiting responses. I’ll, of course, post here if any are accepted.
In site news, I will be reorganizing the links and adding more to them. I will probably add some Halloween stuff too.
Don’t forget to add to our interactive story. And don’t forget to sign the petition to bring the Horror Channel to the area.
Okay. More later.