Submissions and News

I resubmitted my story “Enduring at the Edge of the Storm,” to Fantasy Magazine. I sent it in a day or two ago, and hope to hear back from them within a month.

Son and Foe, who has my story “Drugged,” has just started a program for writers who submit to their magazine. By donating one dollar ($1) to the mag, they will move your story up on their queue and respond within three days (seven if they need extra time to consider buying it).

It’s an interesting concept. I’m not sure if it bothers me or not, though when you think about it, one dollar about covers what it would have cost in postage, SASE, ink, and paper, to have sent it through the mail. So since you save the bucks by e-mailing the submission, a dollar to get an extra fast response doesn’t seem so bad at all.

Did I do it, you ask?

Yes, I did. I’m not a patient person, and given to opportunity to shorten my wait, of course I took it. Come on–it’s only a buck.

2 thoughts on “Submissions and News”

  1. Benjamin Solah

    I don’t know what I feel about that. My first instinct is that it’s wrong. I don’t have a way to pay money over the net because I don’t have a credit card or any other method.

    But maybe it sorts out those serious and those who aren’t.

  2. Anthony J. Rapino

    I don’t know. My hope is that they don’t use the “fast reply” donation in any other way than to move the submission up on their reading list. If they use it to gauge the seriousness of the writer, then I’d be annoyed, because they would no longer be objective readers.

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