October, My Love

I woke up this morning, and my mind sang.  My body vibrated.  I didn’t remember what glorious day it was, but I knew nonetheless.  The air smells different: the sweet decay of leaves and chilled earth.  My heart has swollen like a ripe pumpkin, and I am more than ready to inhale deeply of October.

I wish I could say I’d do something wonderful like a post every day of October, but I know how life goes.  Work will occupy much of my time, and the rest, oh, the rest I’ll spend with arms deep inside pumpkin guts.

“The seeds, Little Sister.  The seeds!”  😉

My plan for today is to soak in the first day of October.  True to form, I’ll be making pumpkin pancakes with maple-walnut butter. That will probably be my dinner.  I tasted my Moon Hill Pumpkin Ale yesterday, and it was delicious.  Better, I thought, than the other commercial pumpkin ale residing in my fridge.  Don’t worry, there will be a separate post about that  another day.

Here’s the first Halloween link for October:  Halloween Radio

Good news on the writing front.  The fine folks from The Drabblecast read my story “Morning Espresso at the Church of Me” and asked if they could podcast it.  Of course I said yes.  I’ll keep you updated on the progress.  Also, I’ve had another story short-listed for a magazine that I would love to get into.  Fingers crossed on that one.

Enjoy your first day of October.  Have some pumpkin flavored food, eat some candy, have a pumpkin ale, watch a horror movie.  But whatever you do, don’t look behind you.

8 thoughts on “October, My Love”

  1. I know exactly how you feel. Glorious October. Although it is decidedly un-fall-like here. Boo!

    Enjoy the month, your pumpkin ale, and congrats on the story. It was a very good one. My longing for coffee has increased exponentially since reading.

  2. God, I know. I stepped outside today and it was like WINNING.

    Hee. The seeds! I did mention how I loved that story, right? Yeah. I did. Dude. So much.

    Congrats on the podcast, too. That’ll be brilliant.

  3. I swear I’m going to kidnap you and chain you to my stove.
    Those pancakes sound absolutely delicious.

    So I guess this post answers my question – Is it October yet. I wonder how spectacular the foliage will be with all the rain. At the very least you and the cooler weather brighten the horizon ;P. (Hugs) Indy

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