Coffin Hop 2012: Halloween Costume Contest

Greetings, you slimy monsters of the deep, and welcome to this year’s Coffin Hop!  We have such sights to show you!  (First person to comment with the movie that this quote is from gets a free ebook copy of my short story collection, Welcome to Moon Hill (perfect for Halloween).

And we’re off!

But wait, that wasn’t the big contest.  Just a little nibble-nibble of Halloween candy for you.  Here, let me explain in person:


Now then, as I mentioned in the video, I have an online Halloween Costume Contest being hosted by the good folks at Photoscramble.  Head on over, and add up to two entries of your best costume photos.  And don’t forget to vote on which ones you think are the best.

The first prize winner gets a $25 gift card for Amazon.

The second prize winner gets a horror ebook gift pack, which includes both Welcome to Moon Hill and my debut novel Soundtrack to the End of the World (among other books).

You might have noticed that I have a blog tour going on.  Hit the blog tour page to catch up on posts, or take a gander at my newest post, “Killer is as Killer Does,” on Vidya Sury’s blog.

Still here?  Well then, maybe you’d like to know more about my life, including my 20 years as a juggling vagabond, my short stint as Edgar Allan Poe’s cat, and my many years as a number of lowly creatures.  Or perhaps you’d like to lap up some free short stories, available through a number of online magazines.

Soundtrack to the End of the WorldAnd hey, I’m not trying to sell you on anything here.  Honestly, I’m totally not trying to pitch my work.  I’m telling you, really, most sincerely and truthfully,  you don’t have to purchase a single thing to enter my contests.  But–ahem–in case you were wondering, you know, out of pure curiosity and not at all because you wanted to spend $3.99 on an ebook about music that infects the listeners, turning them into some kind of  screaming creatures, I could always tell you a little more about my novel:

Who knew the end could sound so good.

A suicidal nudist strolls into traffic.  An eccentric Buddhist claims he can occupy other people’s bodies.  All the while, whispers of a new form of entertainment blow through town.  Prompted by these strange occurrences, Marty Raft, a not-so-gentle giant, investigates and discovers underground clubs peddling music that induces an out-of-body experience.   Marty and a wannabe comedian, Corey, set out to prove these special frequencies are nothing more than a hoax, or at worst, a mass-drugging.  Instead, they uncover a secret with world-ending possibilities.

If you can hear the music, it’s already too late.


This has been fun.  Have you had fun?  I sure hope so.  But hey, the fun is not over, because there are dozens upon dozens of blogs for you to still visit.

Get your hop on.

Well lookie here, a straggler.  One of the few psychos that actually read to the very end of my rambling, spittle-covered post.  Well guess what.  For sticking around, here’s a hidden giveaway just for you!  If you are the first person to correctly identify the movie the following quote is from, you’ll get a free copy of the Collector’s EP Coffin Hop Anthology Sampler.

“No-one will ever love you like your mother!”

Happy Halloween!

29 thoughts on “Coffin Hop 2012: Halloween Costume Contest”

    1. Right you are, and the first to answer! But I think you already have this book, right? If not, I’ll send it along. If you do, I’ll send you a copy of Soundtrack to the End of the World instead. Email incoming.

  1. Hellraiser! It’s the ol’ Cenobytes’ saying. Pinhead and company had to find a slogan for his exclusive Tour of Hell package.

    Also, am I the only one who would totally eat a cereal called Cenobytes?

    1. Right you are! Someone answered before you, but it was close, so I’ll send along the ebook for you as well. Email incoming. (And hell yeah, I’d eat that cereal all day long.)

  2. Crap, a couple of folks beat me to the “Hellraiser” quote. Oh well. I also like, “So eager to play! So reluctant to admit it!” As for the straggler quote about mothers, I have three guesses. “Dead-Alive”? “Pink Flamingos”? “Psycho”?

  3. Well, I don’t have any really cool costumes for Halloween (though my wife does 🙂 ), but still I thought I would comment and say you have a cool blog and I look forward to seeing everyone else’s costumes.

    1. Thanks! Feel free to just post up an old photo of yourself if you wanted to, and if not, definitely take a look at the great entries so far and cast a few votes. Thanks for commenting, and happy hopping!

  4. Hi Anthony…

    As usual it looks like you have a fantastic contest for this year’s CoffinHop.
    Your novel sounds very interesting and something I would like to read.
    Hope you have a FRIGHTFULLY FUN Coffin Hop!

    – Kim
    coffinhopping from Wrestling the Muse

    1. Thanks, James! Yeah, I got a little nervous in my first couple, but I’ve been making a lot of video since then for my homebrew stuff, and I got used to it. I’ll have to go check out your videos. Cheers!

  5. I’d love to enter the costume contest, but when my husband SAW my costume, his eyes narrowed and he said (no lie), “You are so not wearing THAT outside THIS house.” o.O No, no, not that he’s a prude or anything, it’s just that, well, where we live is full of guys … single guys .. young, wiley, desperate, randy … guys… who see “being married” as just another challenge and need no encouragement. I’ll try to find a different costume and enter anyway. ^__^ Gotta hop!

  6. I loved your video post!! I have very little experience with producing any video posts, but I know it’s time consuming and not easy, so thank you for taking the time to create the video for us. I haven’t gotten my costume yet, but I think I’m going to be an anonymous function (I’m a software developer by day). I will have a no-face mask that looks like just a solid, shiney piece of silver, and a name tag that says, “HI! My name is Lambda.” I realize that only about six of my coworkers and only a small percent of non-geeks will get this, but …. I ramble!

    Off to #CoffinHop some more!


  7. Hey man, I’m a fellow brewer and author of a twisted Graphic Novel. I came across your website while browsing through I just brewed my second beer in a row that has this subtle, yet distinct off flavor I can’t put my finger on and it’s driving me nuts. anyway, back to the graphic novel. my illustrator is deep into it and his stuff is freakin’ awesome but I’d love any advice you could give on publishing.


    1. Hey, nice to meet you! Those off flavors can be super annoying. I had a similar thing with light beers I was making, and finally traced it back to my well water (after tests and samples and things). I’d love to take a look at your work if you have a website, feel free to post it. Cheers!

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