I’m Seeing (Five) Stars

I’m absolutely thrilled to have received so many great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads for my collection Welcome to Moon Hill.  Every time a new review comes in, the resulting smile threatens to split my head in half.  To sweeten to the pot, a very cool blogger posted about my collection (and my hotness) on her site:  It’s that time again folks…  Hey, it’s about time I started using “sex” to sell this thing.  Maybe I’ll shoot an all horror writer pinup calendar.  Any takers?

Here’s what people saying about Welcome to Moon Hill

“Very good collection with a deliciously eerie edge to them that makes you want to keep reading page after page to find out what else could be conjured up.”  —Lorielleftw

“Darkly imaginative, twisting and turning around mysterious corners and all written with the slightly awry and macabre sense of humor for which Anthony is so well-known.”   — Diana Lee

“I found myself alternately wishing I was there in Moon Hill and dreading if I ever came across the place…an eloquent example from a talented author of gripping tales.”  —Mary

How was your trip to Moon Hill?

On another note, please consider following me using the new NetworkedBlogs widget on the left sidebar.  As I mentioned in my last post, Google Friend Connect is going bye bye, which means I lose all you lovely followers.  I feel so alone.

As an added bonus I’m giving an extra entry into the giveaway for everyone who follows on NetworkedBlogs or the RSS feed.


14 thoughts on “I’m Seeing (Five) Stars”

    1. Yeah, the rss is the best way to go for uninterrupted “Google reader” functionality. But I don’t get to have the pretty block o’ faces with RSS, so I added the networkedblogs too. 😉

  1. Just read up on this google connect thing. Where’ve I been??? I’m assuming, if I’ve read right, that because my blog host is blogger, my followers won’t be affected (am I right here, or should I be worried?) However, I don’t want to loose you off my blog list. I will, indeed, follow you on Networked blogs.

    On another note, it’s great to hear you’re getting so much good feedback!

    1. Thanks! 🙂 Yeah, you’ll be fine. As long as you use blogger, Google Friend Connect will continue to work for you. But anyone you follow (using GFC) that doesn’t use blogger will suddenly disappear from your reader on March 1st. Thanks for re-following. 🙂

  2. I’m looking forward to reading it, but I confess, I never realized Moon Hill was referring to your allegedly sexy rear until now. 😉

    What’s that song…I’m sexy & I know it…

    Go Tony, Go Tony…

  3. Yeah, I’ve got you in my RSS on thunderbird, but I freaking hate facebook. I love you, though, you know this!

    Totally unrelated (but a little weird when following the “I love you” thing, I admit): we totally need a pinup calendar!

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