21 days to Halloween

Have you decorated yet?

I don’t do much decorating for Halloween anymore. Just some scattered reminders that it’s October again. I’ll have my Jack O Lanterns, a few evil-eye stickers, and sometimes a hanging scarecrow I make out of dried leaves and old clothes. Not the scariest looking thing in the world, sure. Unless, that is, you are walking past in the middle of the night with no idea it’s hanging there.

This year, I haven’t decorated at all yet. I’ve been focusing on my Halloween goodies. Today I made some Halloween shaped sugar cookies that still need icing. Next on the list: candy apples and pumpkin pies. But that won’t be today.

What are some of your decorations for Halloween?

5 thoughts on “21 days to Halloween”

  1. Actually I was hoping to receive some care/treat packages from my fellow macabre writers-ahem-hint hint hint.

    If it counts I have a full sized skeleton, a jar of eyes and a shelf full of Halloween decorations I've collected over the years.

    On the other hand, I have this stuff out year round so i'm not sure that counts as decorating…does it?

  2. I love Halloween… so much more than Christmas. It's at this time of year I wish I lived in America and not boring old England; we just don't celebrate it in quite the same style…although, gradually, over the years it is getting to be a bigger and bigger event. A couple of years back I completely went over the top in my house: no lights except candles, fake cobwebs in all the rooms, bats, spiders – the whole works – I kept it like it for days. My friends thought I'd gone mad!
    Each year though, I do stock up on sweets for the trick and treaters, and I always put pumpkin heads lit up by candles in my windows.
    I love your hanging man…I just might have to give that a go…

  3. Stewart Sternberg

    Kids skirted my house last night. We had lights, and a scary pirate…some lawn decorations. And yet they skirted the house. I'm thinking next year, we're going to have all manner of flashy stuff going on..suck in those kids.

  4. :-/

    Hi, Akasha! Yeah, the holiday season sure did fly by. I haven't put much thought into posting here in a while, though I do have some good news up my sleeve. I'll post soon with that… 🙂

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