Lets All Do The Coffin Hop!

It’s sort of like the Monster Mash, only when it’s over, prizes are given away, new friends are made, and more than one limb will be devoured.  By me.

I was on my near-daily trek of Google Reader when I stumbled over to Milo James Fowler’s site, where (to my surprise and delight) I found he’d made mention of me in his latest post.  It seems I’ve done *something* right, be it my frequent mention of disembowelment or my gleeful desecration of the English language.

But that’s for another day.  *Today* I’m posting because Milo’s post also presented the aforementioned Coffin Hop.  As soon as I read about it, I knew I wanted in.  It’s a blog tour that occurs from the 24th till the 31st of October.  On those days you hop from blog to blog (using the handy-dandy Coffin Hop list) and meet new writers, enter contests, and pretty much have a grand ol’ time. There’s still time to sign up as a participating blog.  And really, as long as you’re up to writing a blog post and hosting a contest, I can’t think of a single reason *not* to sign up.

As for my own contest, I’m going to give it a really good think.  I’ve been collecting many treats to give away for when my novel is released (coming oh so soon!), so I have plenty of goodies on hand.  I’m thinking something along the lines of a Halloween Mystery Bag Giveaway.

How does that tickle you?

5 thoughts on “Lets All Do The Coffin Hop!”

  1. Thanks for the heads up on the coffin hop Tony. I can smell the pumpkin crumble cake all the way here in NY. How many fingers did you leave, by the way? (snuck into twitter for a few minutes). (Hugs) Indy

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