New Links

One of the best pats about taking part in Jason Evan’s contests, at The Clarity of Night, is that you get to meet a whole bunch of other writers, read their stuff, and find their blogs.

As comments start to come in about all the works, I am finding new blogs that I enjoy. This post is to point everyone in the right direction.

At the bottom of my blog-links list on the sidebar, you’ll find at least 3 (and I’m sure more to come) new blog links. Check them out, and when you’re done, check out The Clarity of Night.

7 thoughts on “New Links”

  1. I found a lot of friend’s through Jason’s first contest too! I just love these contests for their interactive nature. It’s just so much more fun when you get to read all the entries and share views.

    ~ Sury

  2. Anthony – Thanks for the shout out. I too have made really good contacts from this and the previous contest. I enjoyed entering both too.

  3. I just started out as a blogger during Jason’s last contest as I was so lucky to make contact with great people. This kind of thing is win-win for all of us.

    Thanks for the link-trade.

  4. Anthony J. Rapino

    Yeah, I was sad about missing the last contest, more so for having missined the opportunity to meet everyone.

    It’s all about community.

  5. Greetings! Of course, I followed you over from The Clarity of Night, and I enjoyed your work. I totally agree – it’s wonderful how a little brainstorming session can connect so many people.

    Good luck with your writing projects… and try to shake off those rejection letters. I often remind myself that in my life, I’m going to get way more rejection letters than acceptance letters… I can’t say it makes me feel better, but it certainly helps me maintain perspective. 😉


  6. Anthony J. Rapino

    Thanks JLB. I try to keep it all in perspective.

    Is it a bad idea for me to wallpaper my house with the rejections then?

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