One Step Closer

I finally took the (eight dollar) plunge and registered my very own domain name. Some of you may have noticed that when coming to the good ol’ blog, the address bar now says


Not to worry though, good readers. The connection to my blog is only temporary, and really just to get some mileage off the new domain name. Very soon–I hope within the month–I will have a shiny new website for, and Tales at Twilight will go back to being whatever it was before, and probably a separate link on the new site entitled “News.”

Speaking of news, I’ve had a slew of rejections in the past month. More unfortunate is that the majority of these were “short-listed” and then subsequently rejected. One such rejection–probably the nicest one I’ve received to date–insisted they passed merely due to the story not fitting the emerging theme among the other accepted stories. They even said–bless their hearts–that they were sure I’d place it somewhere soon.

Really, it was a very nice response. Still, all I could think was boo to themes!

Otherwise, my only update is that my short story output has been a nice, consistent one per month. Not lightening fast, but not snail slow either.

Currently I have 8 stories in the pipeline (by which I mean submitted to magazines and awaiting a response), 1 story being edited, and 1 being written. The WIP is just over 1,000 words, and destined for Shroud Magazine’s Halloween themed issue–well, at least destined for their Halloween themed slush pile.

Until next time, don’t look behind you.

7 thoughts on “One Step Closer”

  1. Good Luck with you latest WIP Anthony! Sorry about the rejections, but keep it in mind that most were personal and that's always a good thing. They liked your stuff enough to give you a piece of something. Very good! Send em out somewhere else and happy writing to you!

  2. Thanks, K. You're absolutely right about personal rejection letters.

    But they are a blessing and a curse. One one hand, it's always great to get some feedback from an editor and know that they did enjoy the story. On the other hand, it can get frustrating know thing that you missed it by *this* much.

    But I guess it's a good problem to have. 🙂

  3. It's a good problem to have, indeed. Not that anyone wants it. Good luck penning something for Shroud.

  4. Cate, thanks! I'm hoping these submissions do the trick.

    Thanks, Aaron. Yup, I always have a good feeling about Halloween themed stuff. 🙂

  5. Akasha Savage.

    I had a rejection only this week, with this comment: loved the title, believable characters, realistic dialogue, strong story. Should find a market.

    So…? Why didn't they want the blasted thing?!

  6. I'm stumped, Akasha. Maybe they thought you were sending it in for their opinion? 😛

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