The Sunday Edition

Sunday. The end of one week, and the start of the next. The converging of two plains. A day of rest. A day of praise.

More than any other time of the week, Sunday has a permeating quiet to it. I can wake a little later than I usually would and enjoy a cup of coffee in the warm morning sun, looking over my vegetable garden and the surrounding forest. It puts me at ease, helping to alleviate the stresses of the previous week, and cushion the stresses of the coming week.

Let me admit one thing. I don’t have a plan for this post. It’s one of those writing tricks I picked up along the way. You know. Look around your room, pick an item, start writing about it, and hope it leads somewhere. Or maybe it’s like that movie, Anchorman.

“Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and saying that you love them?”

Either way, it’s Sunday. So I wrote about it. That’s probably why the first paragraphs were a tad purple.

Phew. I feel much better having got that off my chest. It was weighing on me like a two headed rhino giving birth. Or one of those screaming albino apes.

So…a little writing update? Yeah, that’s probably best.

-3 pending agent submissions.
-1 pending 50 page partial to an agent
-1 review article pending

I’ll do a more complete “stats” at the end of the month. I know some of you are wondering if there were any maimings or writing-related deaths this month, but you’ll just have to wait. Or read the obits, scanning for the keywords “crazed,” “bloody pencils,” and “rabid”. But I’ve said too much.

On this wonderful Sunday, I’ll leave you with a little afternoon delight.

7 thoughts on “The Sunday Edition”

  1. What a plan…remember you can always blame it on Monday if it doesn't work out.

    Monday is Evil and you will be believed.


  2. Jarmara Falconer

    I love monday… especially when they take me to another weekend.

    Good luck with all your writing projects

  3. Catherine…Monday just kicked me in the teeth.

    Thanks, Jarmara. Fingers are perpetually crossed.

    Your secret is safe with me, Aaron. Well, me and my six readers.

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