Flashes of Speculation

I was just forwarded a link to this new blog. I took a quick look at it today and like what I saw. Very cool blog in the tradition of such flash-dedicated sites as Tastes of Darkness.

From the site:

Flashes of Speculation is dedicated to the sharing of works of flash fiction in the genre of speculative fiction. This includes science fiction, fantasy, and horror that contains an element of sci-fi or fantasy. Please refer to the Submissions page to submit a story.

Check it out.

Flashes of Speculation

6 thoughts on “Flashes of Speculation”

  1. Anthony J. Rapino

    No problem, Jim. You have a great site there, and I hope it does well.

    Thanks, Bernita, hope you check it out.

  2. Anthony J. Rapino

    Hmmm. I know I posted at some point telling ppl to go check it out. Maybe you’re thinking of my submission to Tastes of Darkness?

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