After months of planning, packing, and panicking, Authorcon II in Williamsburg, Virginia is nearly upon us (March 31st – April 2nd). My journey begins tomorrow after work, when I drive to the Keisling’s haunted mansion to spend the night before we carpool to Virginia. Todd plans to strap me to the hood Mad Max style, and frankly, as long as I get an electric guitar to shred, it sounds like fun.
I’m packed, paid up, and all in. Let’s go!

I’ll have all my books with me, and I also managed to get a set of sculptures completed for the show. My Patreon members got first pick, and the rest are going to Authorcon. If there are any left, I’ll post them for sale here on my website shop. If there aren’t any left, I’ll likely do another run of the new designs, but probably not the Devil’s Creek Idol.

As usual, I always have extra little goodies with me like mini pumpkin sculptures, candy corn pins, stickers, and membership cards to either sell or give away with big purchases. If you’re in the area this weekend, you should stop by, and if not, be sure to check back here next week for a wrap-up article about the convention complete with awkward pictures.
Hope to see you there!

Awesome! I wish you lots of success this weekend and if course, I hope you sell out of everything. 🙂 Can’t wait to hear all about it and see the awkward pictures.
Thanks so much! Updates soon 🙂