As the summer crawls to a sluggish end, and the crickets sing a song of autumn, I’m left once again thinking about beginnings and endings. For many, this is still summer, and it will remain summer until they exhale mist into the cool of a late September night. Until the first of the leaves fall and pumpkins appear in giant boxes outside of supermarkets. Until children dressed as ghosts and goblins are cavorting along a nighttime street with sacks of candy gripped in tiny hands.
For others, summer ends when school begins. When the summer merchandise is replaced with folders and pencils. When big yellow school buses start rolling along the roadways. This time of year marks the end of vacations, beach trips, and ice cream trucks. But it also marks the beginning of autumn, the coming Halloween, school, and so much more.
I sit here, tapping away on my old keyboard, thinking about my own endings and beginnings. The end of my vacation and the start of the fall semester of teaching, sure. But also, the end of my old website, and the start of this new design my brother painstakingly undertook.
This is an exciting change. One I’ve looked forward to for a long time, and one that came just in time to announce another new beginning: the release of my novel Soundtrack to the End of the World. This revised edition, set to be released the weekend of September 12th, boasts a brand-new cover design and a new forward from Todd Keisling.

I’m excited about these beginnings. I’m excited for Halloween. I’m excited to invite you all to peruse my site, shop, gallery, and news page.
Welcome to the new site. I hope to see you all around the proverbial water cooler.
I must secure acquisition of your novel. It must happen soon. *Flies off into the night sky*
Thanks for dropping by! Only a couple weeks before the release. Hope you like the new digs.