Trick r Treat lollipops Halloween

Halloween On Sale Info: Trick ‘r Treat Lollipops and More!

  Greetings, lunatics of the Candy Corn Apocalypse Army!  It feels like an eternity, but the October Halloween Sale for my store, Candy Corn Apocalypse, is finally upon us.  This article is to lay out the prices, quantities, pictures of the items, and precise sale time.  That way you know exactly what to expect come

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Leslie Vernon figure magnet toy

Leslie Vernon Magnet Figure Update

It’s been a while since I utilized my website, and as I was typing this FB update up, I realized, dang…this is LONG!  So here we are.  Sculpting news ahoy! Yesterday I finished casting all of the Leslie Vernon Magnet heads, and today was dedicated to “machine work” (namely, sanding the backs) and priming them.

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Big Five Fear

By Jonathan Winn James Patterson is afraid of me. The simple fact that I exist keeps him awake at night. And the audacity of my daring to release yet another book throws him into a quietly desperate frenzy of doubt. Why? Because, like all those other gate-crashing “wannabes who don’t work hard” – as Big

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Friday the 13th + Full moon = A Horror Fan’s Paradise

On Friday, June 13th, there will be a full moon.  The collision of these two events (like stars aligning) signals a moment in time when all horror fans can rejoice together and revel in the glory of our favorite genre’s many gifts.   Because listen.  Here’s the thing.  In terms of actual holidays, we have

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Horror Mystery Box Giveaway

To help celebrate the release of my new short story “Loosely Enforced Rules,” and to get the word out about my countdown deal for Welcome to Moon Hill, I decided to run a giveaway.  Considering my undying love for mystery boxes, it seemed obvious what I had to do. First order of business:  Take a

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“Loosely Enforced Rules” Cover Reveal

With the arrival of summer and my course load shrinking by a third, I have been putting a lot of work into my writing these past weeks.  The first thing I want to do is release some new “readables” for my fans.  I have two ebooks lined up for immediate release (immediate being a relative

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Tonight, as I dragged my weary eyes across the television screen (that’s a fun visual), I saw familiar cover art featuring Simon Pegg.  Being a fan of the actor, I was aware of this movie–A Fantastic Fear of Everything–at a time, but had forgotten about it.  Until now. I started the movie, which would take me

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Support horror writing

Support Horror on Patreon

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here.  I hate not updating this page more often, but I do have a good reason for it: money.  I’m broke, and unfortunately, the more time I spend writing posts for this site, making videos for YouTube, writing horror stories, and basically doing all the things I really

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Coffee Mystery Box: The Black Box

The mysterious coffee themed black box rises from the pumpkin patch that is the most sincere and bestows grand gifts of– Okay, maybe not.  But you know me; it’s hard to get my head out of Halloween, even in the middle of winter.  Even so, I have managed to take one of my other obsessions

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Xardion Lives!

Retro-graphic Evidence “Xardion Lives!” Around the same time I that I decided to begin sorting through old photos, my brother came by for a visit.  It was Christmas Eve, and we were preparing for our grand feast of the seven fishes, so there wasn’t a whole lot of time to reminisce.  But somewhere between pulling

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